MSP IT Partners has a call to our fellow MSPs and other business owners who have their own specialized IT services firm, be it in a special business application, software development, security, compliance, mobility, audio-visual, analytics, device management, web development or SEO. Come look at the Network. The DAO model of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.
If you’re looking for people to invest capital in your practice and help you overcome the “owner’s plateau”, let’s talk.
Not sure how to implement device-based, user-based or other complex contracts in your Line of Business systems or get your RMM tool not to cause damage? Check out our Services, maybe we can help!
We don’t want to buy your customers. We don’t want to sell out to some big equity firm. We don’t want to scale in hierarchical models – heck we know how risky and limited it is when we setup our networks that way!
MSP IT Partners is a firm proponent of small, independent businesses who work together for mutual benefit. We believe IT is a people business which somewhere along the line forgot it was personal. If you’re interested, Contact Us and let’s talk more about a true networked approach that’s win-win for us, our clients, and our employees.
Check out Catherine’s story: